The question is not answered by legislation; however, the prevailing view is that the shipbuilding contract must be characterized as a contract for work and materials, unless, when the contract is made, work has already commenced. The question is academic because, according to Article 559 of the civil code, the rules of law relating to contracts of sale apply also to contracts for work and materials. It is in the civil code that one finds basic rules of law for shipbuilding contracts.

The shipbuilding contract is characterized as a contract to carry out work and then to deliver that work to the customer, governed in particular by Article 651 of the civil code; this code is the source of basic rules for shipbuilding contracts.

-- Shipbuilding Contracts, Comite Maritime International (CMI)




There is only one contract--a contract for the purchase of the ship.--Davey

It seems well settled by authority that, although a shipbuilding contract is, in form, a contract for the construction of the vessel, it is in law a contract for the sale of goods.--Diplock

