
The exact date of service beginning is in accordance with that thereof in the written notice issued by the Client.


The Company is responsible for any personal injury or damage on the Client, the Company and any third party, which is arising from the operation or negligence of the Company. In that case, the Company should return total amount of the service fee to the Client.


The said fee charges covers all necessary measures taken in this pest control operation on monthly basis and such measures taken from the company should be submitted to the Client by written forms .


The said fee charge covers all necessary measures taken in this pest control operation and such measures taken by the Company should be submitted to the Client by written forms. The execution of the measures could not be commenced with, unless provided with the permission of the Client.


The said total fee charge is responsible for the pest control operation task in the contract, until it is completed. The Client will not pay any fees hereon to the Company or any third party any more.

1、乙方未按照合同约定的时间提供劳务服务,每逾期一日,乙方须向甲方支付合同总价款5%的违约金。逾期超过 5日的,甲方有权解除合同,乙方应返还所有费用并向甲方支付合同总价款30%的违约金。

1. If the Company failed to supply service according to the date of the items, the Company should pay the Client 5% total fee charge as penal sum per delay of one day. Exceeding the date thereof for 5 days, the Client is entitled to cancel the contract and take back the total fee charge and, 30% total charge as penal sum.


2. The Client is entitled to cancel the contract if the Company could not supply service in accordance with the measures, areas and so on that engaged in the said contract or if the result is failure in the controlling rate promised by the latter. In that case, the Company should return the total fee charge and 30% total fee charge as penal sum to the Client.