You never knows

In Nanjing New Oriental school, there was a interpretation training course these days. It’s a free course which was offered every night from Thursday to Sunday. Although I was sure that it wouldn’t be very helpful and I liked to study by myself more than it, I went to the school last Saturday, for I had expected to be infected with the exciting atmosphere of the class.

Let’s begin the class, said a young teacher who looked like a postgraduate. Until that time there were just seven students in the classroom which made me so disappointed. I thought it was because it’s weekend probably.

The teacher taught us some reading comprehension skills which I had learned by myself and used proficiently. In the short break, he shared his stories about learning English with us and gave us many advices. I love the stories without which I would regret having come here. After class, we had a nice and friendly communication that I found I want to be acquainted with him. When I was preparing to inquired about his E-mail, another student broke in. I had a look at my watch and went home.

The next night there was the last lesson, but I had no time to have. You never knows. It’s a pity.

You never knows. 世事难料